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kihz Flex

Logo kihz Flex

kihz Flex offers at the Centre, flexible, needs-based temporary childcare with professional carers irrespective of the number of the parents’ working hours and without a long-term contractual commitment.

Childcare options

  • kihz Flex is available to students and staff of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich.
  • The Flex Zentrum takes children from 4 months to 7 years.
  • Depending on the age of the children, 5-12 children can be supervised at the same time.
  • kihz Flex is open on weekdays.

Registration and Bookings

Attention! - kihz Flex is getting a new booking page.
From 12.08.24 the link below is no longer valid. Bookings can currently only be made until 31.08.24. For new registrations from August 2024, please contact Pauline Tchouboukov, Head of kihz Platten/kihz Flex, by telephone.

  1. At registration your personal details and information abouth your child will be stored.
  2. Before starting kihz Flex, an introductory meeting, i.e. a trial session is arranged.
  3. Bookings than can be made online.

Childcare times Flex Zentrum

 Children 4 months - 7 years

Morning block A 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Only in combination with block B available.
  B 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM  
Lunchtime block C 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
(lunch available on request)
Afternoon block D 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM  
  E 5:00 pm- 6:PM
Only in combination with block D available.

Childcare fees

Fees are to be paid with an EC card or via Twint when you bring your child.

Students        5.- CHF/hour  
University staff 10.- CHF/hour  
Professors 20.- CHF/hour  

Good to know


The main activity consists of enabling the children to enjoy guided free play. For this purpose, we offer a large selection of books, board games, building elements, role-play articles, and painting and handicraft materials.

Ad hoc activities will also be available, which children can choose to take part in depending on their individual interest.


Responsibility for kihz Flex temporary childcare lies with the head of the kihz Platten daycare centre.

The child-staff ratio complies with the guidelines governing daycare centres and crèches set by the Canton of Zurich.

One qualified carer is always on duty during each block, and joined by another person depending on child numbers.

All staff members have at the very least a basic qualification in early childhood education as well as experience in working in daycare centres. They are given regular training in subjects such as “First Aid for Small Children”, hygiene or fire protection.

Food and drink                       

Water/tea, fruit and cereal products are available for the children. Other food, milk/milk-replacement products and puréed food must be provided by the families.

Lunch is available on request, at a charge of CHF 8.- . Please let us know 24 hours in advance.

Hygiene products / change of clothes

Please bring your own nappies (diapers) and hygiene products.

We recommend that you bring hygiene products plus a change of clothes suited to the season in a bag marked with the child’s name.

Weiterführende Informationen

Flexible Betreuung

Flexible childcare

Terms and conditions

Before registering, please read the kihz Flex terms and conditions.

Registration and booking

Please make your bookings online:

To registration

To the booking tool



The Flex Zentrum is located at the kihz Platten basement.
