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Confirmation of registration

Thank you for registering to the kihz Ferienbetreuung.

You have received a registration confirmation with a summary of your details to the email address you provided. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please check your spam folder or mail cleaner.

  • Without further notice, this registration is valid.
  • If you would like to correct your details, please send us an email (see box Email requests).


  • We will send you the invoices by email. Please note: You will receive a separate invoice for each theme week. Pay each invoice with its own reference number or the different QR code.


  • Two weeks before the holidays starts, you will receive the letter for parents with detailed information about the theme week, the location and the phone of the team.

Happy holiday!

Weiterführende Informationen

kihz Ferienbetreuung Vignette


Email requests

Correction of registration

Send correction


Request to waiting list
Send request


Cancellation of registration
Send cancellation


Media permission

Send media permission